Jumat, 12 November 2010

Weekday counter application is developed using VB.Net

Counting the number of working days is a matter that is often used in programming languages, for example the case in the process of determining the number of working days of a worker within a period of time or for any other calculation simply share for the need, here is an example of its function in VB.Net

In use in the counting process, here's how to call the function, where the variable hr will take the value from the calculation of these functions. The function above above GetHariKerja widget can be downloaded in the "My Shared Files" blog is to name the file "GetHariKerja.rar"

The explanation is as follows ...
Tgl_kembaliDateEdit.DateTime::: is the value date of the initial period
Tgl_pengembalianDateEdit.DateTime::: is the value date of the final period

The function above above GetHariKerja widget can be downloaded in the "My Shared Files" blog is to name the file "GetHariKerja.rar"

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